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Words From Satisfied Clients

"Knowing that my mother is in the care of the Shepherd's Village community helps me sleep at night. I know that she's getting one-on-one attention from a staff that makes her smile, that she's healthy, and that she gets home-cooked meals she likes"

                                  - R. T. Swindell

"Shepherd's Village is a warm and loving environment, where you really feel like family"

                                - Leonard Pollard

“When my sister developed a life-ending condition, she did not want to leave Shepherd’s Village, so they continued to care for her with the help of a hospice service. We are so grateful that she was able to continue to be a part of their community. They stuck with us throughout our ordeal. We don’t know how we would have gotten through it without their comforting and loving care and concern.”

                                        - Herbert E. Wilson

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